Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Aurora Borealis in New Zealand

So I was browsing through the web and decided to search for the 7 wonders of the world.... This Just amazed me!!
It looks fake, but it is surprising to say it is all part of Nature!! Called the Aurora Borealis!
It appears in many shades of color.

Click on the Picture to learn how it works... enjoy!

Laughing Out Loud

Love the one in 1.34 LMAO

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Taiwan Family

Today, Tuesday again, I feel the days are going by so fast. In a way it is better because i'll soon go back home =)
But for now, I will make this the best of it... My school, NTUNHS.

I enjoy the surroundings especially because of the people that are with me, which now became my family. 
Every day they all make me laugh... They brighten each and every day! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Could say this was i long yet short weekend...
Went to Tainan, south part of Taiwan. It was a very different community compared to Taipei... the night market was in an open space, the things there were way cheaper than Taipei. Had a BBQ pork! Best thing ever! could eat some of that right now! hehe
Then we had a TIKA Cup competition. Met all my Belizean friends, it was the best feeling ever! Competed in 3 out of 4 competition... my thighs are hurting right now! haha
It was a 5 hour trip to go and 5 hour to come back...
today- Sunday- just caught up with my homeworks... aren't much....

But it was a good weekend!!

See how the week goes! =D